Friday, May 19, 2006

Why Mohanchoti ???

Hemant Sonawane wrote: People, Apparently, yet another IITian-trio has launched a new company . A Recruitment Portal based on a radically cool concept of paid/trusted references. Think of it as Linked-in with MLM benefits.

The name is outrageous If I'm correct Mohan Choti was a prolific, comedian/side-actor of B&W Bollywood era. When I first heard it, couldn't stop grinning for 10 minutes, like #%*#. I wonder why they named it so. just curious, but it's killing me. If the intention was to generate buzz and grab attention, well they got mine !

Read on. Our core team: Mr. Mahendra Pratap.CEO, Advisor IT Expert, Graduate from IIT, Kanpur.........

Hi Hemant,Thanks for the encouraging mail and a genuinequestion. Here is our explanantion. Idea behind keeping the name as Mohanchoti was for-
1.) To have a unique name which does not have anyconnotation from recruitment market, so that we canactually define the meaning for the same. May be backin the mind Google, Yahoo were there like get anabstract name and completely define the meaning of it.Because we feel Mohanchoti is not only aboutrecruitment but a general movement to fill gaps in theIndustry.

2.) Not easily forgettableUnfortunately our team is not a great movie buff, sowe realised quite late that it was the name of acomedian of yester years.


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